75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
The role of “Technical mechanics” in up brining of new generation. In renaissance of new era of state there is a tight relationship of science and industry. The huge use of science has become the necessary condition in progress of machine and equipment building also in other parts of national economy. This is expressed in materialization of scientific developments in technics, technologies and control. The creation and implementation of new machines, mechanisms, automatic complexes with industrial robots and manipulators supplies continuous increase in labor productivity helps in liquidation of manual work and labor – intensive processes at the same time with improving product quality. All these developments cannot be imagined without appropriate theoretical, practical and general technical training of middle technical level of the industrial enterprise. The main role in general training of specialist belongs to the subject of “Technical mechanics”. This subject has a special place in general cycle of academic disciplines and is the binder between general technical and special disciplines. Modern mid – level technical specialist has to master the basics of general mechanical engineering in order to use machines and mechanisms correctly, in order to solve technological, mechanization and automation issues of industrial processes correctly, in other words needs to understand machines and mechanisms well. Despite machines and mechanisms are used in various areas similar tasks are solved by the help of them. That’s why it is not surprising that various machines and mechanisms mostly consist of similar parts and units. The solution of all these tasks in training technicians is united in the educational discipline “Technical mechanics”. The discipline “Technical mechanics” is learned in three chapters: 1. Theoretical mechanics 2. Strength of materials 3. Machine parts. The discipline is studied in this order, too. Firstly, “Theoretical mechanics” is studied. In its turn “Theoretical mechanics” is divided into three sections: 1. Statics. 2. Kinematics. 3. Dynamics. In section “Theoretical mechanics” students mainly gain concepts force, the equilibrium state of the body and movement. Then in “Strength of materials” students work with real objects, that is learned the deformations that appear when forces are applied to the body and get familiar with calculations related to deformations. After all in the section of “Machine parts” types, materials for manufacturing the most common parts, deformations and calculation of parts is learned. The study of the full complex of issues related to mechanics will allow future specialists operate machines and mechanisms competently, actively participate in technical progress and in further development of modern technology, in creation of material and technical base of society.

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Jun 07 2024
The education system is developing and changing

Under the wise leadership of our friendly Hero Serdar, modern and positive reforms are being carried out in all areas during the Revival of the new era of the Stable State. In developed countries, ways to improve the efficiency of general education are being sought, and a lot of work is being done to develop advanced technologies and introduce them into the education system. The technological support of modern education should correspond to the level of advanced science. In recent years, educational centers built in the country have been provided with computers and Internet connection. Schools, kindergartens, higher and secondary vocational schools equipped with the latest equipment are operating in our capital, regional and district centers. The provision of educational centers with interactive multimedia technologies has led to a radical improvement in the quality of education. Multimedia technologies allow the presentation of information in various forms, ensuring the effectiveness of the lesson. The service of multimedia technologies in the lessons is great for students to thoroughly master the topics, to expand their horizons, to develop their expression skills, to learn to work creatively and independently, and to improve the quality of education. When the lessons are organized with multimedia technologies, it can be seen that young people have a deep understanding of the topic, their memory and attention are activated, and their creative skills develop. It also increases the creativity of educational workers and helps to save their time.