75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
The core of human life

Creating all the conditions for a healthy and happy life for our people is a priority of the state policy of our esteemed President. The importance of sports and physical education is also very important in health care and strengthening. That is why all the conditions are created for the development of the healthcare and sports systems of our country.Health is the core of a person's life. Since the inception of the human race, the principles of health and well-being have always been in the spotlight. That is why the Turkmen people have always taken the issue of reproductive health very seriously. This is a clear testament to the traditions inherited from our forefathers, who have perfected their healthy lifestyles, which have their roots in the depths of antiquity. From the mother's womb to the onset of guilty feelings about having the affair, in the first place, further zaps whatever energy the partner having the affair might still have left. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Your children will benefit from this. "

Just as air, water, and food are essential for human survival, a healthy spiritual environment is one of the most important factors in the formation of an individual. This environment is created by healthy people, and a healthy spirit is created in a person, primarily as a result of healthy thoughts. "What is the greatest and most important wealth in human life?" When asked, it is unlikely that we will all answer "Health". This is because physical fitness is the key to a healthy lifestyle. We can proudly say that our state of Turkmenistan, recognized as a country of health and happiness, has reached an exemplary level in protecting and strengthening the health of the people and spreading healthy lifestyles in the society. Improving the health education and culture of every citizen of our country, achieving a healthy diet of the population, preventing diseases, encouraging them to stay away from harmful habits, explaining the harmful effects of tobacco products on human health, the importance of breastfeeding and breastfeeding, the importance of breastfeeding, breastfeeding, health Preventing, exposing the positive effects of physical education and exercise on human health, establishing and achieving regular health monitoring of people, explaining the laws adopted in our country in this regard, raising the awareness of our population about these issues. it's nice. It should be noted that the tasks of the State Program "Health", developed under the leadership of our Hero Arkadag, are at the core of this work. And may the life of our Hero Arkadag, who has the fulfillment of these words, be a wonderful living reality, long live and prosper!

Aysuluv Atagurbanova

Teacher Marine Secondary Professional school Balkan newspaper

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Jun 07 2024
The education system is developing and changing

Under the wise leadership of our friendly Hero Serdar, modern and positive reforms are being carried out in all areas during the Revival of the new era of the Stable State. In developed countries, ways to improve the efficiency of general education are being sought, and a lot of work is being done to develop advanced technologies and introduce them into the education system. The technological support of modern education should correspond to the level of advanced science. In recent years, educational centers built in the country have been provided with computers and Internet connection. Schools, kindergartens, higher and secondary vocational schools equipped with the latest equipment are operating in our capital, regional and district centers. The provision of educational centers with interactive multimedia technologies has led to a radical improvement in the quality of education. Multimedia technologies allow the presentation of information in various forms, ensuring the effectiveness of the lesson. The service of multimedia technologies in the lessons is great for students to thoroughly master the topics, to expand their horizons, to develop their expression skills, to learn to work creatively and independently, and to improve the quality of education. When the lessons are organized with multimedia technologies, it can be seen that young people have a deep understanding of the topic, their memory and attention are activated, and their creative skills develop. It also increases the creativity of educational workers and helps to save their time.