75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
Environmental aspects in Magtymguly's creativity

Our dear country is a country where people, individuals, who care for the good of the country are valued, respected and used. One of such great personalities who wrote his name in golden letters in the history of mankind is our sage and poet Magtymguly Pyragy. In the year "Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy" declared dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the wise sage, the activities carried out to increase the reputation of this prominent person among the peoples of the world have a wide scope.

We are a school of moral education for teachers, who enriched the meaning of concepts such as humanitarianism, patriotism, pure morality, loyalty, peace, unity, and friendship in our national literature with his wise slogans, and carried the honor of Turkmen. it's a lifestyle.

The philosophy of the great poet of the Turkmen people is based on humanism, including ecological humanism, and creates feelings of love for the Motherland, caring for nature and its resources, and caring for future generations. In Magtymguky's philosophy, the harmony of the relationship between man and nature, issues of the development of ecological culture are given a great place.

In the work of the poet, the nature of our beloved country occupies a special place, and in the philosopher's philosophical thinking about human life, society is also referred to nature. In the works of Magtymguly, nature is depicted harmoniously with unrepeatable beauty. He meditates with living images taken from nature. Nature is an important basis for human thinking about the future.

Magtymguly's ecological humanism shows the inextricable connection between man and nature in transforming the environment. The poem takes an example from nature when expressing the special qualities of a person, determination, creative inspiration, feelings of love, at the same time it shows the importance of the harmony between man and nature, and shows the sympathy of nature to the creative works of people.

Great Magtymguly Pyragy's great love for the motherland, its nature reflects the patriotism, humanitarianism and wisdom.

Interest in Magtymguly's creativity is not accidental, his philosophy is an inexhaustible source of universal values. In the world's philosophical thought, there are many scientific teachings about spirituality, man, his place in society and his future. Magtymguly's humanitarianism is concentrated in his thoughts that man is a precious treasure. Akyldar's philosophical ideas were reflected in the structure of the modern Turkmen state. Constitution of Turkmenistan "In Turkmenistan, the most valuable asset of the society and the state is man!" he acknowledged.

Wanting to understand the essence of life and existence, man thinks not only about the past and the present, but also about the future of the Earth, including the ecological situation. For the modern man, the concept of "ecology" has become an integral part of his philosophical-political thinking and ecological culture. Being the main driving force of reforms in the modern world, man, as a part of nature, constantly interacts with it and strives to harmonize it. The relationship between man and nature is constantly changing, and in order to improve it, it is necessary to develop the ecological culture of society and individuals.

Today's environmental problems have their roots in the history of humanity, but the extent of its manifestations today is unmatched. Adoption of management decisions on environmental issues should be based on national traditions and universal values. Accordingly, Magtymguly's ecological humanitarianism is of particular interest and promotes the harmony of the future of human life with nature.

Solving global, regional and local environmental problems in Turkmenistan is one of the main directions of the state policy, introducing new technologies into production, creating environmentally safe working conditions, producing ecologically sound products, making systematic use of natural resources, training ecologists-professionals, and developing international cooperation on environmental issues. , environmental education and more.

Harmony in the human-nature-society system is possible in the conditions where the harmony between the inner world of a person and his high morality is created, and they form the creation of great humanists such as Magtymguly Pyragy and his universal and national values.

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Dec 11 2024
The role of fertilizer chemistry in the intelligent specialization of the country's agricultural development.

1. Bulk chemical industry.More than 70 elements are found in plants, most of which are found in very small amounts. However, elements such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, and calcium are also abundant and essential for life. Plants can obtain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) from the air and soil. However, these three elements (NPK) are supplied externally to the plants for good yield. Fertilizers are used to enrich the soil with NPK.Organic fertilizers. In them, nutrients are stored in substances of animal and plant origin. First of all, these fertilizers include manure, as well as various products of the processing of substances of animal and plant origin (peat, fish meal, feces, urban waste and various food wastes).Bacterial fertilizers - retain microorganisms that facilitate the accumulation of nutrients in the soil.2. Mineral fertilizers - products of inorganic origin, prepared by the industrial-factory method: chemical or mechanical processing of inorganic raw materials (for example, extraction of minerals - phosphorites, potassium salts, dolomites, etc., etc.). .). Mineral fertilizers obtained by chemical processing of raw materials differ in the concentration of active substances. Mineral fertilizers are divided into the following groups according to their active ingredients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients (boron, molybdenum, etc.).Along with the increasing demand for fertilizers, the production of NPK and NPK compounds has also increased. Many mineral fertilizers (for example: KCl, NaNO3, NH4NO3, etc.) contain only one nutrient. Such fertilizers are considered simple. Mineral fertilizers with two or three primary nutrients (NPK) in their composition are more complex. They belong to complex fertilizers.Air (raw material for nitrogen), phosphate rock (raw material for phosphorus) and sylvinite (raw material for potassium) are used as the main raw materials for fertilizer production.Elements   Duty NitrogenIt is stored in proteins. Deficiency causes slow growth..PhosphorusIt is stored in the composition of nucleic acids. It is necessary for the growth of roots. It helps in energy exchange during exposure.PotassiumAccelerates photosynthesis. Increases hydrocarbon production..The main functions of N, P and K elements as fertilizers Fertilizers are divided into simple and complex fertilizers according to the nutrients stored in the system. Simple fertilizers include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Simple nitrogen fertilizers include ammonium nitrate NH4NO3, urea (NH2)2CO and others. Simple superphosphate Ca(H2PO4)2•2CaSO4, double superphosphate Ca(H2PO4)2 and others are simple phosphorus fertilizers. Simple potassium fertilizers include potassium sulfate K2SO4 and others.