75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi


 The name of the subject: Number of hours
I. Complex of general education and socio-economic disciplines
History of Turkmenistan 36
Digital economy 32
Fundamentals of the legislation of Turkmenistan 72
Fundamentals of Social Sciences 100
Modern Turkmen society 36
Physical Education 104
II. Complex of mathematical and natural science subjects
Modern computer technology 102
Ecology and environmental protection 54
Mathematics 102
Physics 68
III. A set of general professional courses
English by profession 132
Russian by profession 64
Technical drawing 118
Fundamentals of technical mechanics 86
Metal technology 36
Meteorology and Oceanography 72
Nautical astronomy 64
Electronic cartography 52
Metrology and standardization 24
Maritime law 76
Occupational Safety and Health 24
International conventions 24
Caspian Sea Navigation 80
IV. A set of specialized courses
Management of ships and their crew 240
Navigation 246
Theory and structure of the ship 172
Marine technical equipment 72
Marine power equipment and electrical equipment 212
Ship support mechanisms and systems 84
Loading and unloading equipment 80
Safety at sea 72
Ways to keep the ship safe 72
Practice Name: Practice
Educational practice 216
Production practice 280
Pre-graduation practice 280