75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
Use of innovative technology in transport and warehousing logistics.

Logistics automation is the use of computer software or automated mechanisms to improve the efficiency of logistics operations. Automation typically applies to warehouse operations, supply chain management systems, and enterprise planning systems. It should be considered that the automation of transport logistics, the programs that implement it, allow to calculate the load loss, to control the balance, to calculate the consumption of vehicles and fuel, and to compare the results with the established standards. Software products that automate transportation companies allow you to analyze the efficiency of operations in the enterprise by identifying points where the enterprise's traffic lags behind other areas. Nowadays, new innovative ways of automating logistics operations are being sought and selected.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is one of the modern technologies in transportation and warehouse logistics. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - electronic document management, information exchange between supplier and buyer, is considered the most important technology used by companies in modern warehousing. EDI technology allows the exchange of necessary documents between two computer systems using a common data format. Information exchange technology is commonly used to transfer and exchange five types of documents. The first type includes the order(s) received from the customer to the supplier, the list of goods to be shipped, the names, quantities, products, and other necessary information to ship the goods. Based on this document, the following is created - a response to the order confirming the real possibility of sending the goods, notifying the orderer that the necessary goods will be sent. The next document is the shipping notification generated when the button is clicked, which reports that the shipment has been loaded (desadv). The delivery note contains the invoice number. Then, after the goods have been shipped, brought to the customer and accepted, the next document is created - a check (receipt (recadv)) showing the list of goods actually received. Based on this document, the final document that completes the transaction is created - the universal transfer document UTD. This document is a universal transfer document that is legally binding upon electronic signature. After that, delivery transactions in the EDI chain are considered closed. EDI is often integrated into an efficient warehouse management system (WMS - Warehouse Management System). The main benefit of electronic data interchange is the smooth and transparent flow of data between two or more computer systems. Another example of innovation in the field of warehouse logistics is the use of drones, which refused to be part of fantasy novels and became reality. Companies are striving to increase the level of automation, so drones have started to appear in warehouses in different countries. One of the main functions of drones is to scan barcodes and thus save many hours of human labor. This is especially true when warehouses use multiple layers of racks, where human access to barcodes is limited. As a result, lifting mechanisms have to be used and a large number of workers have to be employed. Studies have shown that manual scanning and using a crew of 90 people equipped with forklifts cut the time spent on the job by two-and-a-half times. UVL Robotics drones are one of the most successful drones used to monitor and count pallets of goods, allowing employees to use their time more efficiently. Drones perform this task several times faster than humans: in 10-12 hours, machines can count 30-40 thousand pallets. The drone is usually equipped with two video cameras that inspect both sides of the warehouse row at the same time. In this case, the scanner is performed without standing in front of each pallet, without detecting any interruptions. Generates a report of all data. It only takes the operator a minute to replace the drone's battery. The drone is not controlled by a human - drone flight is carried out using special machine vision sensors that ensure safety in the warehouse: the system has algorithms that allow the drone to see obstacles and make decisions about further flight, but in any case, the drone is not allowed to approach the goods closer than 15 cm. does not, so all warehouse equipment and goods are completely safe.

Teacher Atagurbanova Aisyluv

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Feb 12 2025
The possibilities of digital education in educational work.

He said that the formation of a constructive, creative, inventive, and developed intellectual level of youth for the sake of the sustainable development of the country and the strengthening of our Motherland is an important feature of the present era. This feature is provided by the modernization of the education system, which plays a key role in its development, in accordance with world standards, along with all sectors of the economy. The introduction of digital tools into the education system of our country, the implementation of a modern educational portal, through the tireless efforts of the Honorable President, has significantly increased the potential of education workers. The basis for the development of the digital system in the country is the focus on improving the work of educational institutions, providing them with high-quality electronic information, using new technologies, and bringing the quality of education to the required level. The “Concept of Developing the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan”, approved by the Resolution of the Honorable President in 2017, is guided by the “Concept of Developing the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan”. This Concept is aimed at creating an information-educational environment in the country (along the specified lines) and providing all stages of education with high-quality electronic information, enriching and improving the content of the education provided. The main goal of the Concept for the Development of the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan is to provide high-quality electronic information for teaching programs at all stages of education in accordance with the innovative development of the country and to improve the education system through distance learning. The Concept will contribute to the further comprehensive development of our dear Motherland, business and investment activity, the introduction of advanced methods of public administration, the creation of new jobs, and the continuous improvement of the welfare of our people. The main tasks envisaged in the Concept are: - development of the regulatory and legal framework of the digital education system; - development of the technological system of educational institutions and increasing the provision of digital knowledge resources for students and teaching staff at all stages of the education system; - ensuring access to high-quality knowledge resources and services and the use of digital educational resources, including electronic textbooks and manuals, in the process of education; - use of distance education technologies; - improving the quality of education through the development of information and telecommunication technologies; - training employees in the electronic education system. The development of students' motivation to acquire knowledge and continuous independent learning through the use of modern information and communication technologies. Modern society has become an information society in recent decades and is rapidly becoming more dynamic. This means that access to information and services is provided to users on a permanent basis, regardless of where and when they are. To ensure such mobility, new types of computer equipment (smartphones, tablets, etc.), as well as new technologies for working with databases and services (“cloud” technologies) have appeared. Electronic educational databases and services should be available to a schoolchild and student both in educational institutions, at home, and on the go. This also applies to other participants in educational work - parents, teachers, and heads of various levels of the education system. The mobility of each participant in the educational environment will form the basis of digital education in the new information society. The equipment of new, modern educational institutions built and put into operation in all regions of the country with advanced innovative technologies also indicates the implementation of a digital education system. The launch of the portal project “Digital Education System” in educational institutions of the country, lessons held via videoconference in educational institutions, and online competitions are of great importance in improving the quality of education, improving teaching methods, and using best practices.

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Dec 11 2024
The role of fertilizer chemistry in the intelligent specialization of the country's agricultural development.

1. Bulk chemical industry.More than 70 elements are found in plants, most of which are found in very small amounts. However, elements such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, and calcium are also abundant and essential for life. Plants can obtain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) from the air and soil. However, these three elements (NPK) are supplied externally to the plants for good yield. Fertilizers are used to enrich the soil with NPK.Organic fertilizers. In them, nutrients are stored in substances of animal and plant origin. First of all, these fertilizers include manure, as well as various products of the processing of substances of animal and plant origin (peat, fish meal, feces, urban waste and various food wastes).Bacterial fertilizers - retain microorganisms that facilitate the accumulation of nutrients in the soil.2. Mineral fertilizers - products of inorganic origin, prepared by the industrial-factory method: chemical or mechanical processing of inorganic raw materials (for example, extraction of minerals - phosphorites, potassium salts, dolomites, etc., etc.). .). Mineral fertilizers obtained by chemical processing of raw materials differ in the concentration of active substances. Mineral fertilizers are divided into the following groups according to their active ingredients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients (boron, molybdenum, etc.).Along with the increasing demand for fertilizers, the production of NPK and NPK compounds has also increased. Many mineral fertilizers (for example: KCl, NaNO3, NH4NO3, etc.) contain only one nutrient. Such fertilizers are considered simple. Mineral fertilizers with two or three primary nutrients (NPK) in their composition are more complex. They belong to complex fertilizers.Air (raw material for nitrogen), phosphate rock (raw material for phosphorus) and sylvinite (raw material for potassium) are used as the main raw materials for fertilizer production.Elements   Duty NitrogenIt is stored in proteins. Deficiency causes slow growth..PhosphorusIt is stored in the composition of nucleic acids. It is necessary for the growth of roots. It helps in energy exchange during exposure.PotassiumAccelerates photosynthesis. Increases hydrocarbon production..The main functions of N, P and K elements as fertilizers Fertilizers are divided into simple and complex fertilizers according to the nutrients stored in the system. Simple fertilizers include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Simple nitrogen fertilizers include ammonium nitrate NH4NO3, urea (NH2)2CO and others. Simple superphosphate Ca(H2PO4)2•2CaSO4, double superphosphate Ca(H2PO4)2 and others are simple phosphorus fertilizers. Simple potassium fertilizers include potassium sulfate K2SO4 and others.