75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
Activities on ecology and environmental protection in Turkmenistan

According to the goals of the “Revival of a new era of a stable state: the National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052” and the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan” of the country in 2022-2028,” the policy of neutrality of Turkmenistan is of global strategic importance.

As a tool, it is aimed at further developing cooperation with countries of the world and the region, as well as with authoritative international organizations. Diversification of the national economy of the state, the introduction of high technologies and digitalization processes into the system provide a powerful impetus for active participation in the global economic space and world economic relations.

Environmental protection is a systemic measure aimed at improving the living environment and quality of human life. From the first day Turkmenistan gained independence, great opportunities opened up to regulate human impact on nature. Efforts to use our natural resources for purposeful and social benefit are exemplary initiatives. Much attention is paid to the scientific and political directions of the country's development, the complete replacement of all industrial enterprises with environmentally friendly and safe new equipment and technologies, as well as the fact that newly built industrial enterprises must comply with environmental standards.

It is enough to note that before independence, land and water resources were poorly used, the soil, reclamation and ecological condition of the lands deteriorated, and the quality of products decreased. The main tasks facing us now are ensuring environmental safety, increasing soil fertility, increasing the production of agricultural and industrial products, and the efficient use of natural conditions and resources.

Improving the country's environmental legislation is of great importance for the successful implementation of the main strategy for preserving the country's ecological diversity. The Basic Law of Turkmenistan enshrines important provisions on environmental protection, systematic use of its resources, and ensuring environmental safety. Laws adopted to regulate environmental relations play a special role in regulating legal relations that arise when solving important problems of ensuring environmental safety. Today, in the age of advanced science and technology, the impact of humanity on nature is increasing every year.

Accordingly, it is very important to give students the necessary environmental knowledge and understanding of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere as a whole. Providing accurate ideas about them, understanding all types of impacts of human economic activity on nature (physical, chemical, biological) will prevent its pollution.

The establishment of broad international cooperation in the field of environmental protection is one of the main directions of the country's environmental policy. Today, dozens of projects and initiatives are being implemented in Turkmenistan, supported by organizations such as the National and Regional Environmental Protection Program, the UN Environment Program, the UN Global Environment Facility, and the World Conservation Union.

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Jun 07 2024
The education system is developing and changing

Under the wise leadership of our friendly Hero Serdar, modern and positive reforms are being carried out in all areas during the Revival of the new era of the Stable State. In developed countries, ways to improve the efficiency of general education are being sought, and a lot of work is being done to develop advanced technologies and introduce them into the education system. The technological support of modern education should correspond to the level of advanced science. In recent years, educational centers built in the country have been provided with computers and Internet connection. Schools, kindergartens, higher and secondary vocational schools equipped with the latest equipment are operating in our capital, regional and district centers. The provision of educational centers with interactive multimedia technologies has led to a radical improvement in the quality of education. Multimedia technologies allow the presentation of information in various forms, ensuring the effectiveness of the lesson. The service of multimedia technologies in the lessons is great for students to thoroughly master the topics, to expand their horizons, to develop their expression skills, to learn to work creatively and independently, and to improve the quality of education. When the lessons are organized with multimedia technologies, it can be seen that young people have a deep understanding of the topic, their memory and attention are activated, and their creative skills develop. It also increases the creativity of educational workers and helps to save their time.