75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
Turkmenistan participates in a seminar on combating illicit trafficking in cultural property

The Turkmen delegation is taking part in a training seminar on combating illegal cross-border trafficking of cultural property, which is being held in Antalya from September 2 to 4.

The seminar is being held by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The seminar is attended by experts from relevant international organizations, as well as representatives of OSCE member states.

The Turkmen delegation includes the executive secretary of the National Committee of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, as well as representatives of the State Border Service, the State Customs Service and the State Museum of Turkmenistan.

Since September 2022, Turkmenistan has been a member of the UNESCO International Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property and has established itself as an active partner in this area.

In this regard, during the seminar, the executive secretary of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, Chinar Rustemova, will discuss the work carried out in cooperation with UNESCO and the OSCE within the framework of the Convention, as well as the activities that are effectively implemented in the country, the press service of the Secretariat of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO reports.

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Sep 12 2024
In the framework of the month of road safety, the peace of our life, an awareness meeting was held at the Maritime Vocational School to prevent violations of the law among the students.

During the Renaissance of the new epoch of Berkerar state, it is successfully carried out by the great initiatives of our Heroic Serdar. In our beloved land, which is progressing from development to development, behind any work carried out at the state level is the noble motto of our Heroic Friend, "The state is for the people". As every year, in the year "Ocean of Wisdom, Magtymguly Pragy", with the arrival of September, a joint event called "Safety of road traffic - comfort of our life" was announced at the state level. From infants attending kindergarten to adults, preventive and educational activities related to road safety are actively carried out by the authorized employees of the Internal Affairs Department of Turkmenistan. This event is an important part of the national policy carried out by our Honorable Commander Belent for the peaceful and prosperous life of our people. Because our citizens who participate in traffic as pedestrians and drivers must conduct their actions in accordance with the requirements of traffic rules. In addition, the souls of our Heroic Friend and Comrade Heroic Serdar, who are fatherly concerned about ensuring that young students get a good education, follow a healthy lifestyle, engage in sports without wasting time, grow up to be loyal people to the Fatherland, and prevent bad habits, May the country prosper in its noble activities.