75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
A meeting was held at the «Ýüpek Ýoly» Hotel of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport on the occasion of “World Sustainable Transport Day” within the framework of the organization of the Maritime Vocational School of the Turkmenbashi City Council of the Turkmenbashi City Council of the Balkan Velayat. Balkan velayat and the Türkmendeňizderýaýollary agency of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. At this meeting, teachers and students of the Maritime Secondary Vocational School made reports on the work carried out in the field of transport and logistics under the leadership of the Respected President, on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero of Arkadag. . Representatives of the Turkmenbashi city council of the Balkan velayat of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan also made reports on youth policy in the country within the framework of “Arkadag Serdarly Bagtyýar ýaşlar ýylynda”.

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