75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
The presentation of the new book of the President of Turkmenistan took place in the center of public organizations

The presentation ceremony of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's new book entitled "Anew - a culture rooted in millennia" dedicated to the declaration of Anew as the "Cultural Capital of the Turkish World" in 2024 by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took place in the conference hall of the Center of Public Organizations of Turkmenistan. This is reported in the "Vatan" news program.

As mentioned, the presentation ceremony was organized by the People's Council, Mejlis and public organizations of Turkmenistan. It was attended by representatives of the country's education, science and culture systems, mass media, elders and students.

In parallel with the regular event, an exhibition was organized, which describes the rich cultural heritage and creative traditions of the Turkmen people. It displayed the products of practical art, handicrafts that are an indicator of the antiquity of Turkmen history and rich cultural heritage. The Turkmen leader's new book "Anew - a culture originating from thousands of years" took place in the center of the exhibition.

Speakers at the presentation ceremony emphasized the importance of the book, which emphasized the need to thoroughly study, preserve and widely publicize the great cultural heritage and history of the Turkmen people, who made a worthy contribution to the development of world civilization.

Also, it was unanimously noted that the new book clearly shows the large-scale activities implemented by the Turkmen leader in the field of systematic collection, thorough study and promotion of valuable monuments of material culture.

It was emphasized that the work, which is intended for a wide readership and published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages, has great educational and educational value for young people.

Musical performances were also performed at the presentation ceremony.