75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
The volume of rail traffic between Kazakhstan and China has reached a record

The railway administrations of Kazakhstan and the Middle Kingdom met in the Chinese city of Urumqi. The results of the joint work were also summed up, reports.

According to the press service of NC «Қазақстан темір жолы» JSC, it was possible to increase the volume of cargo transportation between the two countries by 22% compared to 2022. As a result, a new record: more than 28 million tons.

“At the same time, shippers of Kazakhstan sent 12.6 million tons for export, which is 35% higher than the level of 2022. Exports of grain cargo increased 2 times, to 2.2 million tons, flour and milling products - 3 times, to 600 thousand tons, vegetable oil - by 56%, up to 180 thousand tons, non-ferrous metals - by 41%, up to 500 thousand tons, coke - by 4 times,” noted the press service of the Kazakh railway operator.

Will it be possible to consolidate this result? Large-scale track work is currently underway and planned on both sides, and the parties also informed each other about this. This is, for example, the modernization of signaling and automation equipment, the expansion of infrastructure on the Moyynty-Dostyk section in the Republic of Kazakhstan or the modernization of the Jinghe-Alashankou railway section in the PRC. In the meantime, Kazakh and Chinese railway workers managed to agree on synchronizing work at the Dostyk-Alashankou border crossing. Taking into account the planned tasks, the parties still intend to maintain the volume of cargo transportation at last year’s level.

At the end of 2023, the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan also outlined the results of work and plans for rail transportation. In 2023, several large projects were launched in the field of railway transport. Among them, the construction of a bypass line bypassing the Almaty station and the Darbaza - Maktaaral line, which will almost half relieve the Almaty railway junction and increase capacity in the direction of Central Asia by 10 million tons.


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Feb 04 2025
«Galkynyş» milli at üstündäki oýunlar toparynyň şanyna Arkadag şäherinde dabara geçirildi

Arkadag şäherinde Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Ahalteke atçylyk toplumynyň «Galkynyş» milli at üstündäki oýunlar toparynyň Monakonyň Monte-Karlo şäherinde geçirilen 47-nji halkara sirk sungaty festiwalynda halkara baýraklara, hususan-da, Altyn baýraga we beýleki ýörite baýraklara eýe bolmaklary mynasybetli dabaraly çäreler geçirildi. Bu dabaraly çärelere Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň Başlygy, Türkmenistanyň Ministrler Kabinetiniň Başlygynyň orunbasarlary, Ministrler Kabinetiniň ýanyndaky Ulag we kommunikasiýalar agentliginiň Baş direktory, harby we hukuk goraýjy edaralaryň ýolbaşçylary, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Diwanynyň Iş dolandyryjysy, Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň ýanyndaky Arkadag şäheriniň gurluşygy boýunça döwlet komitetiniň başlygy, ministrlikleriň we pudaklaýyn dolandyryş edaralarynyň, jemgyýetçilik guramalarynyň ýolbaşçylary, welaýatlaryň, Aşgabat we Arkadag şäherleriniň häkimleri, ýokary okuw mekdepleriniň, köpçülikleýin habar beriş serişdeleriniň ýolbaşçylary, şeýle-de daşary ýurtlaryň we halkara guramalaryň Türkmenistanda ýerleşýän diplomatik wekilhanalarynyň ýolbaşçylarydyr wekilleri we beýleki köp sanly adamlar gatnaşdylar.«Watan» habarlar gepleşiginde habar berlişi ýaly, dabaraly çäreler Arkadag şäherindäki «Akhan» binasynyň ýanynda başlandy. Ilki bilen, «Galkynyş» milli at üstündäki oýunlar toparynyň agzalary, köp sanly dabara gatnaşyjylar Arkadag şäheriniň «Akhan» binasynda ýurduň medeniýet we sungat işgärleriniň aýdym-sazly çykyşlaryna tomaşa etdiler hem-de bu ýerden Türkmenistanyň Goranmak ministrliginiň atly topary bilen bilelikde atly ýörişli Arkadag şäheriniň Görogly adyndaky döwlet atçylyk sirkine tarap ugradylar.