75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
During the revival of the new epoch of the stable state, the task of creating forest zones, expanding the borders of parks and taking care of the existing gardens became one of the priority directions of the state policy. This contributes to the creation of a pleasant climate for human health in all regions of our land. As it`s known, the ceremony of mass planting garden seedlings in our sunny country is of great importance, and according to tradition, the responsible season of mass planting garden seedlings is organized in the spring and autumn seasons. It should be noted the active participation in this work of representatives of all ministries, departmental departments, dominions of regions and cities, houses of culture, and educational institutions. As a result of their joint efforts, millions of seedlings of root crops are planted annually, which expands the boundaries of forest zones. Great attention is paid to the care of forests, parks and all kinds of gardens. With the participation of students of the Marine Secondary Professional School, to each tree in the Avaza National Tourist Zone was given an appropriate care and new sapling trees were planted.

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