About the marine secondary vocational school
Marine secondary vocational school is a state institution. It subordinates to the Turkmen Agency for “Türkmendeňizderýaýollary”. The school operates on the self-supporting basis.
Under the auspices of the Turkmen Agency “Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” specialists are trained in related and other fields of national economy at the marine secondary Vocational School.
IlkThe first primary vocational school was established on April 4, 1948 as the Vocational Training School No. 7 and provides vocational training under the auspices of various ministries and departments. Transferred to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan dated 05.08.1997 No. 3281 and the order of the Department of "Turkmendengizyollary" dated 21.10.1997 No. 263/4 for consideration by the Directorate of Lyceum Turkmendenizyollary "No. 12" and renamed Vocational School. On the basis of the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan dated June 21, 2014 No. 13718 "On the establishment of secondary vocational schools in our country", the Marine Secondary Vocational School of the State Service for Maritime and River Transport of Turkmenistan was established.

To date, 3396 graduates have completed their training at the Marine Secondary School, of which 2159 are employed. The Marine Secondary School also has 463 students in 10-month vocational training in accordance with their primary education programs. without limitation, cultural, sports, educational activities are fully established.
The school has about 100 student dormitories, 26 classrooms, 2 computer room, a meeting room, a sports field, a sports room, a canteen for students to provide educational, living conditions Part of the 3rd floor was provided for free use to the Water and Transport Department of the Turkmenbashi Institute of Transport and Communications.
Implementing the state policy pursued by our Esteemed President in the form of a strong-bodied, healthy-spirited and deeply educated young generation, which is the future of our sovereign Motherland, to ensure that the quality level of education imparted to them meets world standards, a number of new multimedia boards and innovative technologies have been introduced, and computer rooms have been connected to the Internet. In order to fulfill the deep concern of our Esteemed President for the education policy, our school is not only focusing on improving the quality of education, but also cultural, sports and educational activities.