75 D.Azady Street, Turkmenbashi
Schoolchildren, student youth, teachers and educators of independent neutral Turkmenistan

Dear teachers and educators!

Dear students and schoolchildren!

I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, widely celebrated in the independent Motherland, and the beginning of a new, 2021-2022 academic year!

I am sure that this holiday will increase the pride of schoolchildren and student youth, teachers who worthily continue their noble profession, educators, for their homeland!

Getting an education, mastering a profession is a centuries-old principle of the life of the Turkmen people, who are convinced that science and education are the source of happiness and prosperity. That is why in the era of power and happiness, we attach special importance to the consistent improvement of the education and science system as a creative force of society. Relying on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, new technologies, innovations and advanced knowledge, our independent Fatherland is developing dynamically. Guided by the motto "The state is for people!", We are building kindergartens and secondary schools in cities and villages, equipped with modern computers, educational and technical equipment, and interactive multimedia technologies.

We carry out important work on the consistent improvement of the national education sector in accordance with international standards, regular strengthening of the material, technical and legal base of specialized institutions, the formation of educated, erudite, patriotic, hardworking youth with a broad outlook, versed in advanced technologies. Adhering to the noble tradition, in the year passed under the motto "Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Peace and Trust", on the eve of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence in the cities and villages of our sunny land on the occasion of the holiday of knowledge, we solemnly open new secondary schools, hold inspired musical and song events. For schoolchildren who are taking the first step into the world of knowledge, we present Bilimli computers as a gift. These celebrations, which overwhelm the hearts of teachers, educators and our people with a sense of joy and inspiration, are a clear confirmation that our Fatherland is a land of happiness.

For young people - the happy generation of our people, preaching throughout history the principles of peace and humanism, highly respecting science and education, the sacred duty is to learn, being proud of a wonderful life, to learn, to create for the good of our bright future, to earn high authority and respect among compatriots. Courageous youth, having achieved high performance in state and international competitions in the new academic year, should increase the glory of our Motherland.

Dear teachers,


Education is renewal and progress. That is why we must further intensify the reforms in the education sector of our country, which is following to new heights, along the path of large-scale transformations. By adopting this year a new edition of the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", we have expanded the regulatory framework of the national educational system, as well as defined its new organizational foundations of management.

In the era of development of science and technology, the main task of teachers and educators is to bring up a physically healthy, educated, erudite, hardworking generation with a broad outlook, committed to the high ideals of patriotism and humanism. That is why in the new academic year, in accordance with the tasks on the basis of large-scale reforms outlined in the Concepts for the transition to 12-year general secondary education, the development of digital education, the improvement of teaching foreign languages, as well as in natural science and the exact sciences, you must widely implement at all stages of the educational process, the latest achievements of science, innovative methods and advanced international experience in this area. By developing modern textbooks, as well as scientific and methodological aids, significantly enrich the content of education.

I am firmly convinced that our teachers are representatives of a noble profession, promoting the ideals of the Motherland, family, unity and cohesion, hard work, moral purity, will successfully implement these tasks, carry out effective work to train highly qualified personnel for various sectors of the economy.

Dear teachers and educators!

Dear students and schoolchildren!

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, which inspires you to achieve high goals on the first day of the blessed autumn, which we meet with big dreams and aspirations, as well as the beginning of the new, 2020-2021 academic year!

I wish you good health, prosperous and happy life, great success in your noble activities and studies for the sake of the further prosperity of our Motherland!

President of Turkmenistan

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

State News Agency of Turkmenistan

Electronic newspaper "Golden Age"