10 month vocational groups
Citizens of Turkmenistan who have secondary school education are accepted to Marine Secondary School by the results of competitive examination. The study peiod is 10 months and paid

List of documents
- application addressed to the director in the prescribed form;
- a questionnaire of the established form (questionnaire);
- the original of the certificate (certificate) of general secondary education;
- standard health certificate;
- Certificate of residence;
- certificate from the last place of study (place of work, military unit);
- Six photographs measuring 3x4cm;
In addition, those wishing to enroll in the course along with the above documents are registered and submit copies of the following personal documents to the admissions office.
- Passport (if you have not received a birth certificate, then a birth certificate);
- Certificates of military service for conscripts of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, draft lists of non-conscripts and military representation at the place of residence;
The applicant may submit other documents confirming that he or she enjoys the privilege of enrollment.
The candidate is personally liable for incorrect information and official documents.
Entrance exams are held in all subjects of physics, mathematics and history of Turkmenistan.
Entrance examinations are conducted on the basis of the curricula of general education schools in Turkmenistan.
Entrance examinations in subjects are held orally in the state language.
Persons who did not appear for the exam for unreasonable reasons or did not pass one of the courses at the time specified in the schedule of entrance exams are not allowed to follow-up exams.
The address of the Maritime Secondary Vocational School in Turkmenbashi of the Agency "TÜRKMENDEŇIZDERÝAÝOLLARY":
Turkmenbashi city, street D. Azady 75, 4-77.78.4-77-79.4-75-15